Struggling with how to learn English vocabulary? Discover some useful learn English vocabulary tricks to make the process easier.
I understand.
Without a clear roadmap is like going to a place you have never been before. You can’t be sure you will be there soon.
The question is:
-What tricks help learn English vocabulary?
By the end of this lesson you will know:
- How to memorize English vocabulary faster;
- How to Learn Spelling by the Sound of a Word;
- How to Get Vocabulary Meanings by Reading English Stuff;
- Why learning English vocabulary in context matters;
- English Dictionary as a source of Learning Meanings and Pronunciation; and
- Use English Grammar to check how language works
Are you ready?
Let’s dive in.
How to Memorize English Vocabulary Faster, Without Forgetting
How to become fluent in English depends mostly on how many vocabulary you know. In some ways, words are like families; they have some relationships among them.
Learning English basing on this relationship can help you memorize English vocabulary and become fluent in English.
I see.
You are asking “how this can happen”.
Take few seconds doing the following exercise to see how this works: Read these two lists of words:
List A:
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- Mouse
- Printer
- Pen drive
List B
- Book
- Star
- Fish
- Apple
- Tiger
Are you through?
Keep the lists out of your sight.
Done it?
Now try to recall the words of both the lists.
Are you done?
That’s fine!.
Tell me now:
How many words of list ‘A’ do you still remember?
How about those of list ‘B’, how many can you recall?
You straggled much to recall the words of list ‘B’ than those of list ‘A’.
Am I wrong?
Of course I am not.
The question here is why you remember easier the words of list ‘A’ than those in ‘B’?
Here is why:
The words on the list ‘B’ aren’t related to one another, and this didn’t help much your brain retain them. That’s why it was harder for you to recall them.
On the other hand, the words on the list ‘A’ are all about computer; so they are strongly related to one another and this helped much your brain retain the words.
That’s why learning English vocabulary by list of related words matters.
Now there is a question:
What actions should you take to make the list?
Follow the instructions below:
Make a list of English vocabulary you want to practice the meaning. Make sure they all have at least one thing in common (all the English vocabulary on the list A, in the example situation above, have to do with computer).
Let’s say, if you are thinking of a traditional classroom, for instance, you look at words like black board/desks/chair/duster/piece of chalk and so on.
If your focus is on fruits, you may be looking at: apple/strawberry/orange/mango/lemon, and others.
Supposing that, your aim is to practice the meaning of the English vocabulary apple, instead of just exercising the meaning of that term ‘apple’, include also words like: strawberry/orange/mango/lemon… as these have to do with fruits.
With regard to verbs, if you want to practice the meaning of “go”, you should include on the list, verbs such as “come”, “walk”, “run”, “arrive”… because apart from being verbs, they all express movement.
The point behind this strategy is that:
Our brain records thing easily when they are related to each other, remember this.
In other words, the more words are related to one another, the easier our brain manages to record.
This means, if you happen to remember the meaning of an English vocabulary on the list, you are likely to recall the meaning of the other vocabulary to which it relates on the same list.
This’s it.
So go ahead. Build your list and start practicing.
Learn English Vocabulary Tricks: How can Sounds help you Learn Spelling of English Vocabulary?
What do we mean by ‘spelling’, first?
According to, spelling means “the sequence of letters that compose a given word”.
One of the most problems that second language learners face when trying to master the language has to do with how to go for spelling.
To work out the problem, learners end up choosing an approach which leads them to no success. So, what tricks help learn English vocabulary?
However, there is an easiest way for you to learn the spelling of English vocabulary through sounds of words.
How to do so?
Good questions.
Here is how:
Step 1: ‘Study’ the English vocabulary; this means identifying every single sound that makes up the word.
Step 2: Read the word slowly, sound by sound.
While reading, shift sometimes your eyes from the word to check if you can picture in your mind the sequence of the letters that compose the word.
Make sure you have in your mind this sequence.
Once you are through with the first sound go ahead…
Step 3: Repeat the process with other sounds, and then with the whole word, until you get the whole sequence of the word in your mind.
If you manage to spell the English vocabulary correctly without spotting it from where it’s written, congratulations!
You have learnt the spelling of such vocabulary.
If you fail, don’t worry.
Go over again the steps.
Don’t let anything distract you, while you picture mentally the letters that compose the sound of the English vocabulary.
You fail the second time?
Go over again and again, until you succeed.
This simple mental exercise underlines the particular features of the English vocabulary you are practicing the spelling, and helps your brain draw attention on the features and then record the word for long-term use.
Does this work? – Just try it.
What to do Next, now that You’ve Learnt the Spelling of the Vocabulary?
Note that: up to this stage, the English vocabulary will’ve been stored in the short-term memory; in order to transfer the word from the short-term memory to long-term memory, for long-term use, you need to do additional exercise.
What should you do to make this happen?
Step 4: Two things you need to do to let the English vocabulary be moved from the short-term memory to long-term memory.
Before showing you the 2 things you need to do, to move the English vocabulary from where it’s temporarily held, to the long-term memory storage, let me walk you through first what short-term memory and long-term memory mean.
Tricks on how to learn English vocabulary: what are short-term and log-term memory?
Do you remember a situation in which you were able to spell an English vocabulary, or you knew the meaning of a vocabulary, but then you forgot completely how to spell it or what it means?
Yes, sure.
It happens to every language learner. Mostly to second language learners on non-native speakers.
The question now is, why this does happen? Why did you forget to spell the word that once you were able to spell before?
The answer?
-The word had been held in the short-term memory. It hadn’t been yet stored in the long-term memory.
The expression ‘short-term memory’ is self-explanatory. According to short-term memory is referred to as “the ability to store a small amount of information in the mind and keep it readily available for a short period of time”.
“The information recorded in the short-term memory doesn’t last long in your mind. It disappears after a period of time making it harder for the person to recall what they learnt”.
The same does not happen with long-term memory.
Long-term memory works as a repository of our accumulated knowledge.
Our whole life memories are stored in the long-term memory. To learn more on this check How Long Term Memory Works (
Now the next question is:
How to move an English vocabulary, from the short-term memory into long-term memory for a long-term use?
Here is what you need to do:
Practice the word.
One way I like to practice to learn a new English vocabulary so that I can remember not only the spelling but also the meaning and the pronunciation, is by using the word in a sentence.
The technique is simple, but it works.
The example situation below shows exactly how to do this:
Imagine you have just learnt the spelling of the English vocabulary, “always” and “English”, and that you master the sentences “I get up at 6 o’clock every morning” and “I love learning”.
You know well the meaning of these sentences. What should you do next?
Apply the English Vocabulary you are targeting (English and always) in the statements “I get up at 6 am” and “I love learning” to add clear meanings to these statements, like this:
I get up always at 6 AM.
I love learning English.
Practice saying this alone or with a conversational partner.
Do the same exercise with other words, phrases and sentences.
The more you do this, the better you help your brain retain the words for a long-term use.
Tricks on how to learn English Vocabulary: How Reading English Stuff Helps get Meanings?
Reading is one of the most powerful tools for learning English vocabulary.
The literature say that “While you read, you keep your brain actively working due to the real language-learning environment”.
However there is a question: how to do a successful reading if your aim is to learn the English vocabulary?
The following strategy can help you cope with the problem:
Read English content under the topics you are familiar with
Let me put it this way:
Imagine that someone places two wrapped things into your hands, and then ask you to guess what they are.
You have no idea of course what they are.
The object in the right hand, although covered, you believe you’ve seen it somewhere.
The shape of the object in the left hand, doesn’t suggest you anything in terms of what the object could be.
Now I ask you.
Which of the two objects you think could be able to guess?
The former, it’s obvious. The one you believe having seen somewhere.
Here is the thing:
The same happens when seek to learn English Vocabulary by reading English content based on a topic you know.
The issue is that, when you read content over topics you are familiar with, you get easily the overall idea of the content, and this leads to guessing the meaning of specific words.
And that’s it.
My advice:
You love sport? You understand this better than technology? – Read English sport-related content.
You love technology? You understand it better than sport? –Read technology-based content to learn English vocabulary.
The point is to combine the useful with the pleasant which will enhance your motivation to language learning.
Tricks on how to Learn English Vocabulary: How Context can help You get Meanings?
Learning the meanings of English vocabulary through reading a content, can be compared to a journey to a place you have never been before. After arriving to the destination, the impression you use to have is that the journey had been longer.
However, after going to such place for the second time, you realize that you were mistaken; the place isn’t so far away, as you thought to be.
This happens almost to everyone. Maybe you might be the unique person who has not experienced it.
What the above situation has to do with learning meanings of English vocabulary basing on written content like a story or something else?
In fact is has.
As second language learner, when you read an English content for the first time, some of the words sound strange.
However, when you read the same content more than one time, the meaning of such English vocabulary becomes obvious.
Why does this happen?
The answer is the power of ‘REPEATED READING’ + CONTEXT.
When you encounter a new word more than one time while reading, occurring in different context, this provides you clues about the meaning of the vocabulary due to the information provided by the words surrounding such vocabulary – the context.
Want proof of what I’m saying?
Check out the statements below.
2 quick notes before reading the statements:
– While reading, imagine you’ve no idea about the meaning of the word in bold.
-Read the statements twice or 3 times, if necessary
Here you are:
- “Last year David admonished his son for bad behavior, now the child behaves well”.
- “She admonished them to be quiet”.
Oops! Hard to guess the meaning, isn’t it?
Not really.
The meaning is what’s popping up in your mind, right now –Warned.
That’s it. “To admonish” means to warn someone to do or not do something.
The question now is how did you manage to guess that?
And the answer is: -The expressions around the English vocabulary in question i.e., “last year David…”, “his son for bad behavior” and “now the child behaves well” – in sentence 1, and
“She”…“them to be quiet” –sentence 2, provided youclues that the vocabulary “admonished” means warned.
The expressions guided you to relate the term “admonished” to “warned”, and then you managed to guess the meaning.
This is the power of leaning meanings of English vocabulary in context.
Tricks on how to learn English vocabulary: What if the word you want to know the meaning isn’t included in a context?
If this the case, no way. You’ll have to look up it in a dictionary and in today digital world you don’t have to Panic to get one.
Internet will help you do this through the play store from your mobile phone. I hope you have already one. But if you don’t, it’s time you had.
With a dictionary in your hand, you will be able to check meanings of English vocabulary you feel stuck and by doing, so you’ll be increasing your English vocabulary.
Use English Dictionary as Source of Meanings and Pronunciation
An English dictionary be that physical or digital is a language learning tool you don’t want to miss. To get a digital version – which I think is easier have, just go to the play store and google “English dictionary apps” you’ll get a vast list of these tools and then select one and install.
Here are some of them:
Let’s go for the first:
How to use the app after you’ve downloaded to learn meanings of English vocabulary?
Tap on the “app” and then click on “LET’S GO”.
Have a kook on this:
To move forward while you are still off, click on the circled area to clear out the tab to have access to awesome leaning features of the app even not being connected to the internet.
These are the features you can get: “Fun and & Learn”; “Conversations”; “English Common Expressions”; “English Sentence Master”; “Common Useful Phases”; “Word Cross Game”; “Daily English Quiz” and others.
Within the features, you find many other learning topics that will help you learn English vocabulary.
Have a look on what we get when we click “Fun and Learn”:
Apart from the features I’ve described so far, the Advanced English Dictionary, allows you to search for meanings and pronunciation of English vocabulary.
To do so, tap on the field which reads “Search Words Here” then enter the word you are targeting.
When you do this, the word appears down the searching field together with others to which it’s related.
If you are connected to internet, tap on the English vocabulary you are focusing, the meaning will appear immediately down the searching field.
You can’t connect now?
Don’t worry. Use 5000+ to sort out your problem by browsing.
What’s the advantage of using the App when you are connected?
When you use the App while you are connected you get full access of all the features the dictionary has.
For instance you can search an English vocabulary by voice and also you can use the Translator – a great feature which allows you translate a word or a sentence into another language by simply selecting the languages you are focusing.
To search an English vocabulary by voice, tap on the listening device and when it’s activated, say the word a bit louder; the meaning will appear immediately.
To use the Translator, tap the first box and this will lead you to a list of languages.
Select the one YOU SPEAK.
After doing this, tap the second box and select the language you desire to learn the meaning.
Once the languages have been selected, tap the left hand side microphone to activate, and then say the English vocabulary or the sentence you want to know the meaning.
The meaning will appear immediately together with a sound icon. To hear the sound, click the icon.
And here you are.
Enjoy the results of your search.
Another English language learning tool that you will definitely need is a grammar book. According to Google “a grammar book provides a structured and systematic approach to learning English language”.
Tricks on how to Learn English Vocabulary: Use English Grammar to Check how Language items Works.
As a second language learner, a grammar book is extremely important to have, and here is why.
Learning a language is like building a house or a related structure.
When you build a house, you use tools like screwdrivers, brushes, trowels and others. Without these tools you wouldn’t carry out successfully your work as a builder.
The same happens with language-learning.
Your learning experience itself will pose you questions, which you’ll need to find the answer for, to move forward. One of these questions could be: “How does this langue work?” This, my friend, is where having a ‘grammar book’ comes in handy.
But how to get the English grammar book?
Is this your question?
Don’t worry.
There are so many English grammar apps out there on the internet.
Check few of them:
To get 1, again go to the play store of your mobile phone and enter in the search field “English grammar apps” and then click “search”. An endless list of English learning apps will appear on the screen of your device, ready to be downloaded.
There is a thing however. Don’t rush.
Most of these apps are potentially commercial. Once you finish downloading one, you’re pushed to get another and another, and in the end, you end up being confused which app you should stay with.
Thankfully, with this in mind, I selected one in case you feel like using it.
Check this:
What to Expect from this English Learning Resource?
Many things.
Everything you need to know about how the language in questions can be structured.
Have a look on what comes inside when you click on the app after you’ve downloaded it:
Within each of these topics you find many other subtopics all discussing different aspects under the main topic.
Let me put it this way, when you click on the topic “ENGLISH PARTS OF SPEECH”, here is what you find:
And by clicking on “ENGLISH NOUN” you find all there is about this topic.
This is how the app works.
Remember you shouldn’t rely heavily on learning English grammar instead, practice the language in the real context.
An English grammar book is a learning tool that you should use when you feel stuck on to how a given language works.
How to Learn English Vocabulary Faster: Straggling How to Learn English Vocabulary?
I know.
Learning English vocabulary faster and effectively is a challenging task.
It requires knowing the right techniques and doing a lot of practices.
However, with the experience you have gained in this article, all you need to do is follow the steps we listed out; soon you will achieve your goals.
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