
Many English language learners are straggling today to become fluent in English language quickly. Despite the effort they make trying to sound like native speakers they fail to achieve fluency.

They make a lot of slip of tongue and feel comfortable as they speak.

Here is the reason why this happens:

  • First – As non-native speaker, your articulation system (speech organs- tongue, lips, palate, larynx etc.) isn’t yet familiar with the new English sound patterns.
  • Second – You miss skills or knowledge of what techniques help achieve fluency.

As a result, they can’t say words naturally which is why they don’t speak English fluently.

Thankfully, there is a way out:

In this post, you will know:

  • Language learning tips that help become fluent speaker in English
  • What techniques help train articulation system;
  • How to become fluent in English without leaving your Country;
  • How mistake making helps learn English;
  • Techniques leading to learning fluency, and how to practice them

Language Learning Tips that Help Become Fluent in English

Ready to know what truly matters to become a fluent speaker?

#1: Exposure yourself to English:

Make small changes in your everyday life, to help yourself level up your English-speaking skills. Do this for example, by changing, your mobile phone settings to English.

 Will this be helpful at the beginning? No. But later you get used to the new idiom and learn more new vocabulary.

#2: Learn from others:

Whenever you can, spend time chatting to native or fluent speakers of English.

The reason of doing this, is that these people can pinpoint words you pronounce differently and then help you identify mistakes that you are not aware of. This can change the way you say things in English.

#3: Imitation as a crucial language learning tool:

One way to learn intonation and other important sound patterns in English, is by imitating fluent language speakers you are passionate to.

It can be through TV shows, Podcasts, Radio, Movies, You Tube channels or others.

#4: Practice speaking skills by random topics or situations:

Whenever it’s possible, make use of whatever situations be that thoughts or an activity you are doing or planning to do, to practice speaking skills. How to so?

  • Describe aloud things you’ve done; things you are doing and things you are thinking of doing.

Here is an example:

  • “Yesterday Kelly told me that Maria was in hospital. Last week she’d an accident and broke her…”.So soon after I finish doing…  I’m going to visit her. I’ll be going with a friend of mine…his…”.

This simple oral exercise not only highlights parts of your speech you need to make improvement (in terms of pronunciation), it also points out what word or words you still miss to make part of your passive vocabulary (words stored in the long-term memory).

Remember; the larger your passive English vocabulary, the better you communicate.

#5: We remember better bad things than good:

Most people feel embarrassed to know that they make mistakes as they speak English. However, there is no need to feel like that.

Let me explain this: language items you learn as the result of the correction to the mistake you make in public, stick for ever into you memory. This is because we remember better bad things than good.

Why this happens?

Hold on. This’s a topic to be discussed later. As for now, just remember that you are likely to learn faster English making mistakes, rather than anyone else avoiding at any cost making errors.

My advice?

Encourage your conversational partner to point out mistakes you make then resolve them

A leady is showing to a young man the position of the mouth as she practices English pronunciation
A lady is showing to a young man the position of the mouth as she practices English pronunciation

What techniques help train articulation system in order to become fluent in English

How to become fluent in English? What does it mean being fluent in a language?

In simple words it means feeling comfortable when you speak, and understand others speak the language too.

However, like what was said on Learn English Pronunciation: Techniques Leading to Success, becoming fluent in English doesn’t happen naturally to non-native speakers.

It involves a lot of work including learning English vocabulary and tenses here are the reasons:

  • First, their speech organs of the learners aren’t  yet familiar with the production of English sound patterns;
  • Second, learners miss the knowledge of the right English learning techniques.

What are English sound patterns and how practicing them will improve the way you communicate with people?

When we speak English to a native speaker, or someone else who masters the language, he expects to hear English sound patterns which are the sounds that mark the language.

Why is it Unquestionable to Practice English Sound Patterns, as Second Language Learner?

If you are asking me whether it matters to pay attention to these patterns as you learn the language, then the answer is YES.

 It’s a MUST. And here is why:

Knowing English sound patterns is about understanding and being understood as you speak.

This is the thing.

Now, how do we learn the English sound patterns?

A good way to practice the English sound patterns is by exercising your articulation system -I guess you have no ideas on how to do so, but hold on.

Before going through what actions actually you should take, in order to exercise your organs produce English sounds let’s understand first what organs these are.

#1: What is an Articulation System?

Articulation system in simple words, refers to a set of speech organs which are responsible for the production of sounds.

According to Google.com these organs comprises:

Lips, teeth, tongue, alveolar ridge, hard Palate, and others organs.

Source: Google.com

It happens that as a second language learner, these speech organs are not familiar with the production of English sound patterns.

To help your mouth muscles to be able make the sounds effectively you need to train them.  

#2: What actions should you take to enhance the system make the sounds?

Is this your question?

Don’t Panic. I’ll help you right away to do this the easiest way.

To start with, let me ask you…

Imagine that someone knows the meaning of the word “knowledge”. 

He or she pronounces the word correctly, but they can’t say it fluentlyWhat actions should they take to be able to say the word naturally of fluently?

Follow these steps:

Step 1- Split the word into syllables.

Yes, that is it.


Instead of trying to say the whole word, divide it into syllables then practice the sounds one at a time.

The term knowledge has got 2 syllables (units of pronunciation having one vowel sound) namely: Knowl + edgeEach syllable or unit, represents each of the 2 sounds the word knowledge has: /knowl/ and /edge.

Step 2 – Practice the sounds.

To practice the sounds you can start with the first /knowl/ or the last /edge/; your aim with this exercise is to be able to learn how to say the word with no hesitation.

The strategy is to drill each sound as much as possible, until you are able to produce the sound naturally.

Step 3: Put together the word and drill it as a whole.

Once you have practiced the sounds separately, put them together and drill the whole sound.

 Drill, and drill until you feel comfortable saying it.

This simple exercise enables your articulation system to produce the sounds and at the same time helps your brain retain the word.

If you manage to say the word without hesitation, you’ve learnt the sound.

That’s it.

Need a proof of this?

How to Become Fluent Speaker in English?

Take few seconds doing the following exercise:

Are you ready?

Let’s start.

First, pick a word or a phrase that you know how to pronounce, but you find difficult to say it naturally.

Have you got it?

That’s good.

Next, read slowly to identify the sound (s) of whatever you picked.

Are you through?

Go ahead.

Divide the word or the phrase (if applicable), into separate sounds.

How many sounds the word or the phrase has? (again, if it’s applicable).

Then say the sound (s) slowly one by one, several times.

Keep doing the exercise until you are able to say the words naturally.

Done it?

Now put together the sounds and practice as a whole.

Keep doing the exercise until you feel happy with the sound (s).

Are you through?

Now tell me.

Was the exercise effective?

Enjoy saying it freely with no more hesitation.

How to become fluent speaker in EnglishWhat to do Next, now You are able to Say the Word Fluently?

Go for other words that you feel uncomfortable saying.

Do the same exercise.

Do the exercise also to practice sounds of phrases or sentences.

For this, just split the phrase or the sentence into stream of words, and go over again the steps listed above.

After you’ve learnt the sounds, move ahead, create situations in which you can practice the sounds, alone or with a conversational partner.

By practicing the sounds, you will be able to say the words naturally.

Remember, fluency is about feeling comfortable when you speak.

2 young men are chatting to become fluent in English as one of them takes a drink
2 young men are chatting to become fluent in English

How to Become Fluent Speaker in English without Leaving your Country?

One way to become fluent in English language is by living in an English speaking country.

However, this can be difficult due to shortage of financial resource to afford the expenses of going abroad.

What to do then in order to be fluent in English language without having to leave your own country?

Is this your question?

Don’t worry. I’ll help you do this.

Get a conversational partner to practice the language with.

Your partner could be someone already fluent in English, or one willing to improve the language, like you.

What to do exactly with the experienced partner?

  • Talk to them in English as much as you can.
  • Use the English vocabulary you know.
  • Ask the partner questions on how to pronounce words. Your aim is to gain experience.

What about the less experienced partner, how can you make use of them?

-Show off. Talk about things you know. Show them your expertise. Use topics you like: You love sport? –  Talk about sport. You like arts? – Talk about arts.

The point is to combine the useful with the pleasant.

A young man and a young lady are practicing English to become fluent fluent.
A young man and a young lady are practicing English to become fluent

How to Learn English by Mistakes you Make and Become a Fluent Speaker?

Has it ever happened to you, despite never having needed, recall a mistake or an embarrassing experience?

Yes. It happens to everyone.

The issue here is why this does happen?

Studies show that “We often remember better bad things than good”.

This is true. And the good news is that this can be a great opportunity for you to learn the language.

This is where mistake making comes in handy, and it explains the reason why learning by mistake matters.

As a second language learner you are likely to make a tone of mistakes and thankfully they can help you learn the language depending on the actions you take after making the mistake.

#1: What actions actually you should take to benefit from the mistakes?

My advice is that soon after you make a pronunciation mistake, discover the right language and then practice it to allow your brain keep the right version of the language; that way you can take advantage of the mistake.

Remember: “we often remember the bad better than the good” so the language you learn on the basis of a mistake you make is likely going to be active in your brain rather than that you learn with no situation connected to.

How to become fluent speaker in English: Practice What you Learn Every Day

One of the most common mistake people make while attempting to learn English languages is the belief that they will learn the language the same way they do to learn other subjects. That is a big mistake you need to avoid at all cost.

Learning a language involves practicing skills which include speaking, listening, writing and reading.

 For more details of this check https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/blog/benefits-of-testing-the-four-skills/

#2: How practicing these skills influence mastering the language? 

Let’s go through this briefly one by one.

Speaking skills:

As second language learner, you’ll surely face problems with how to make audible English sound.

To overcome this limitation, you need to train your articulation system by practicing the language to allow your mouth muscle be able to make the sounds.

Listening skills;

The Human brains evolved to acquire oral comprehension first.

Source:  www.natural.education

This is a fact. Scientists believe that listening evolved first before other skills. And it explains the reason why you need to take into account as second language learner.

Without developing this skill, you may know to write or read English, but you won’t be able to understand other speakers of the same language.

This is true that some people can write and read English correctly, but they fail to understand or to speak.

 Others can understand and speak, but fail to write and to read.

Why this does happen?

The learning of the four skills overlaps;

Let me put it this way:

After you learn the spelling of a word (writing), you need to hear the sound (listening).

Once you know the sound, you need to say it (speaking) or to read it. In the end you ended up using all the skills.


This is a fact. Scientists believe that listening evolved first before other skills. And it explains the reason why you need to take into account listening as well as pronunciation as second language learner.

How to Become Fluent in English?

It’s a hard work.

It involves training your articulation system and doing a lot of practice.

But with the tips on how to learn English vocabulary faster, you’ve gone through, in lesson one, all you need to do is follow the steps we listed out. Surely you’ll make it.

The coming topics deal with learning English pronunciation and tenses of English verbs.

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