About Me

Sabino Manuel the author the site how to learn English as second language on the topic how to become a fluent speaker in English
Sabino Manuel

English language learning experience to success.

Sabino Manuel is a lecturer with qualifications in English Language Teaching, and also has got a master’s degree in Educational Management and Administration.

He’s passionate about sharing educational tips and tricks to second language learners to help them cope with their difficulties and achieve success.

Here’s the whole story:

“My mother tongue is other than English and I’ve never been abroad to learn the language.

Despite this, I broke loose. I became a successful English language speaker. And I am proud of this.

My passion to English started very early at the age of 5, earlier before enrolling myself at school.

At that time, the single English word I knew was “water”. My grandfather had taught my father and then he taught me too.

According to the police curriculum of my country then, English language could only be taught to intermediate students in secondary schools.

This was when I started dealing with English language as a subject of school curriculum in 1995.

Since then I didn’t stop learning.

Difficulties & solutions while learning English as second language

Like many learners, I faced all kinds of barriers but then I discovered what works to approach a language as a non-native speaker.

The most up standing problems I faced, as language learner, was not knowing how to practice English vocabulary and pronunciation and become fluent. https://textinspector.com/vocabulary-in-language-learning/

It took me time to understand this.

What I’ve learned throughout my language learning journey is that: TIPS, TOOLS and PRACTICE matters the most for language learning mastery.

I could practice every language item I learned to make sure:

  • I pronounce it correctly;
  • I can say it fluently;
  • I use it accurately; and
  • I know the meaning effectively

This is the secret of learning English as second language, few people will tell you.

For over 22 years now, I have been teaching English in public schools and universities and helped ton of people get proficiency in English speaking.

So I did it.

This is the reason why this blog was created; to take YOU from where you are now, to where YOU DEAM to be.

  • Is that impossible to achieve? – NO.
  • Do you need to do a lot of practice to learn English as as second language? -SURE.

And believe me. If you do this, very soon you’ll succeed.”

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