A young lady is taking notes. on a notebook to practicing English Language.
A young Lady is Taking Notes for Practicing English Language.

Over 1.000 million people across the world speak English as a foreign language. This number is far more below compared to those still straggling on how to learn English as a second language.

The reason why English is so difficult to master for non-native speakers is because the spelling, the grammar and the pronunciation, have so many exceptions to the rules, when it comes to how to learn it as a second language.

This makes harder for this group of learners achieve their goals. As a result, they give up learning the language.

Lucky, there is a solution:

4 Things to Bear in Mind When Learning English as Second Language:

#1: vocabulary;

#2: fluency;

#3: pronunciation

#4: tenses of English verbs

Why paying attention to these skills matters, as second English language learner?

 Let me explain this roughly, taking vocabulary as an example.

To learn a language you need first to lay basis for that. And the only way you can truly do this, is by acquiring the vocabulary of the language.

This way, you can succeed in this venture of mastering English as your second language.

Do you still wonder whether knowing vocabulary matters for English language mastery? If so, check this: https://textinspector.com/vocabulary-in-language-learning/

Why do you need to practice pronunciation to learn English as a second language?

As a non-native English speaker, your mouth muscles are not familiar with the English sounds patterns.

To enhance these organs produce English sounds, you need to train the system first.

You have no idea of how to do so?

Don’t worry.

In this website, you’ll learn:


Let’s dive in.